Monday 18 November 2013

The worst music video of all time?

Hello by Lionel Ritchie.

Some songs are forever associated with the video clip that was used to promote it. Think 'Thriller' or maybe 'Bohemian rhapsody'. This can be a blessing or a curse and for this single it was definitely the latter.

5 and a half minutes of excrutiating mush playing over the top of a video that can only be described as, at best, in dubious taste. It will be forever etched into the mind of anybody who was around in 1984. 

Mr Ritchie is a  drama lecturer obsessed by one of his young students to the point where he stalks the poor women around the college and at her home, He is abusing his professional position and the tutor/student disparity of status to an appalling degree. Add the fact that this unsuspecting victim of his uncontrollable urges is BLIND and you can see the concern.

We see the lecherous lecturer lusting after her in his drama class, following her down the corridor while she walks along with her white stick and even perving over her in a leotard by sneaking into somebody else's ballet class and mooching around in the background. 

To take matters further (and therefore worse) he phones the young woman at night  when she alone (no doubt obtaining her number from the college records - oh he's thorough). He says hello and then hangs up. What kind of sicko would do this to a vulnerable blind women alone at night. 

Hello is a D.I.Y. guide to stalking young women. In the modern age he would probably follow her every sentence on Facebook from behind the safety of his computer screen as well. Without the use of modern technology though, he chooses to follow her around, often within only yards of her, because he knows that  her condition makes her blissfully unaware of her surroundings. Disgraceful Lionel, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.